Greens ignore race-based waste

Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei is blissfully unaware of the appalling waste of money and self-serving, like the Auckland Maori Statutory Board, that has come about through a race-based approach to local government, Hobson’s Pledge spokeswoman Casey Costello said today.

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Ask MPs to vote against RLA Bill

If you think the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill that includes iwi participation clauses would be a disaster for New Zealand, please email your MP to ask him or her to vote against it.

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Grand RLA co-governance scheme bad law

The iwi participation clauses included in the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill show that Environment Minister Dr Nick Smith has put his desire not to work with NZ First leader Winston Peters above sound legislation, Hobson’s Pledge spokesperson Casey Costello said today.

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Casey Costello Orewa 2017

Casey-Costello-1_1467766472_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgHe iwi tahi tatou . . . . . we are now one people.

In the early 1980s the talented William James Te Wehi TAITOKO captured the hearts and smiles of New Zealanders.

Billy T James made us laugh, at ourselves, at him, at our differences and our similarities. 

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Brash Orewa 2017

image_DB_over_mp3.jpgIt’s almost exactly 14 years since I first addressed the Orewa Rotary Club, and almost exactly 13 years since I came here as Leader of the National Party to give a speech which, for a time, turned “Orewa” from a place to a date, so that people spoke of “before Orewa” or “after Orewa”, rather than north of Orewa or south of Orewa!

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Tribes plan for $1b plus water ownership

Mike-Butler_1467521879_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgA $1-billion “capacity building” fund plus tribal ownership of freshwater, of all Crown owned river and lake beds, and the water column, are among proposals the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group took around the country in 2015 for tribal ratification.

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Key leaves lingering racist legacy

Few other politicians have done more to create conditions ripe for the destruction of racial equality

Michael_Coote.jpgGone-by-Monday Prime Minister John Key shrewdly picked a retirement date amenable for collecting one of those New Year’s honour knighthoods he personally reinstated.

His timing is opportune for him, not least because of the gathering catastrophe for New Zealand democracy he has engineered but can now slough parliamentary accountability for.

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Beware of separatism - we are NZers first


PUBLIC MEETING – TAURANGA           22 November 2016

SPEECH – Casey Costello

This speech was delivered at Tauranga on November 22nd, 2016

He iwi tahi tatou………….at this time in New Zealand I don’t think there is a more powerful statement to be made.

Hobson’s Pledge has been established with total commitment to New Zealand’s history of equality – setting precedent for inclusion and unity.


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Crown Law trashes Bill of Rights Act

Sarah-Taylor3_1468396491_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgNew Zealand’s Bill of Rights Act, intended to protect us from discrimination on the grounds of race, has been left in tatters by the very lawyers tasked by Parliament with oversight of those rules. Intellectually dishonest or indoctrinated? Whichever the answer, Crown Law’s Constitutional and Human Rights Team should be sacked and replaced with lawyers capable of taking a principled stand.


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RMA deal shows Govt wedded to separatists

Don-Brash_1467519437_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgSupport for a call for improved iwi participation to get reforms to the Resource Management Act passed shows that the John Key-led government is joined at the hip with the separatist Maori Party, Hobson's Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.

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The New Equation: Racial Preference = Unearned Privilege

Peter-Shirtcliffe22_1469534287_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgKiwis have always disliked and distrusted Unearned Privilege. Our collective psyche tolerates individual success, and, if decently handled by that individual, it will get respect and even quiet admiration. But the essential Kiwi commitment to fairness and equality is never far below the surface. It is underpinned by a belief that if a breach occurs, there are remedies. Either the “tall poppy” syndrome, or the democratic process, or both, kick in.

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Open Letter to Denis O'Reilly, Ngati Paarau

By Sarah Taylor

One Pure, owned by Hong Kong based corporation Hon Lung International, with the capital and expertise to build a massive water bottling facility, felt the need to approach Hawke’s Bay tribal entity Ngati Paarau[i]  for “support and partnership [ii]” in their endeavour. Why?

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Hobson's Pledge racist? Hardly!

By Don Brash


What on earth is racist or bigoted about arguing that all citizens should have equal political rights, Hobson's Pledge founder Don Brash wrote in Elocal magazine's November edition.

Hobson's Pledge, launched four weeks ago, takes its name from the words spoken by Governor William Hobson at the February 6, 1840, signing of the treaty of Waitangi, namely "we are now one people".


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Key wrong on separatism, Treaty, courts

By David Round

David-Round-2_1468379301_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgPrime Minister John Key is indeed correct that most New Zealanders do want to live in a harmonious New Zealand but he was wrong about just about everything else he said in response to the launch of Hobson’s Pledge.

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The many, many answers for Lizzie Marvelly

By Andy Oakley

Andy-Oakley_1467518462_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgRecently on her Villainesse blog, Lizzie Marvelly suggested she could write a thesis on the many. many problems with Hobson’s Pledge.

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Reporters, ethics, and Hobson’s Pledge

By Mike Butler

Mike-Butler_1467521879_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgThe appearance of the words “Don Brash” and “Maori” in the same sentence is like a red rag to a bull for New Zealand’s politically correct mainstream media. 

The launch of the new lobby group called Hobson’s Pledge on September 28, 2016, generated wide media hostility to criticism of government policy on separate Maori seats, treaty settlements, and race-based affirmative action.


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Accusations of racism seek to bury message

Casey-Costello-1_1467766472_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgHobson’s Pledge has, in only two days, achieved an astounding level of interest resulting in mainstream media rallying to vilify Don Brash and hiding behind racist taunts to avoid having a real conversation, spokesperson Casey Costello said today.

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Separatism by Nats looms as election issue

Casey-Costello-1_1467766472_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgNine years of a National Party Government pandering to separatist demands will be an issue voters will consider in next year’s general election, Auckland business manager Casey Costello said today.

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Littlewood treaty to disappear

By Mike Butler

Mike-Butler_1467521879_480X532_c_c_0_0.jpgThe document that is most likely the final English draft from which the Treaty of Waitangi was translated into Maori will quietly be buried in archives when a new exhibition of “iconic constitutional documents” opens next year at the National Library opposite Parliament Buildings. 

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Why other Kiwis must stop fawning to the shrill cries of Maori

Dr-Brian-McDonnell-e1469439145762.jpgA New Zealand academic of Maori, Irish and French descent believes the pendulum has swung too far in redressing Maori grievances.

Dr Brian McDonnell, a senior lecturer in film studies at Massey University, says New Zealand's polite middle ground has become too fawning and the government too accommodating to the shrill cries of extremists.

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Standing up for Democracy

Muriel-Newman-e1469439053285.jpgDemocracy, which means “rule by the people”, has Greek origins. It arose in response to the abuse of power by rulers. In essence there are four key elements to a well-functioning democracy – free and fair elections, the active participation of citizens in political and civic life, the protection of human rights, and a commitment to the rule of law – to ensure that all citizens are treated equally.

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Unitary Plan Could Be Constitutional Disgrace

It would be a constitutional disgrace if Auckland Council delegated the adoption of the Unitary Plan to its Development Committee. According to an NBR report the Council is considering delegating the decisions to its Development Committee, which includes members of the Independent Maori Statutory Board, who are unelected by and therefore unaccountable to the wider community.

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A Grab for the Gulf


The feeling of having been totally out-manoeuvred has become a common sensation amongst Auckland regional ratepayers – and they don’t know half of what is going on. This powerlessness extends to some of the well-meaning City Councillors who thought they were being elected to work for the people; they now see themselves as fall guys, taking the rap for conniving bureaucrats, greedy iwi and unscrupulous politicians.

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Maori fed up with Waitangi Tribunal


It may surprise many New Zealanders that a growing number of Maori are fed up with the Waitangi Tribunal and the entire Treaty Gravy train. There is a stereotype of Maori collecting millions of dollars in settlement money and living the easy life. The reality is very different. Here are a few facts.

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