Is this racist? Your taxes paid for it.

Tusiata Avia’s book The Savage Coloniser and the adapted theatre production received $107, 280 from Creative NZ. Taxpayers funded a project that fantasises about violently killing people on the basis of their skin colour.
While the book is claimed to focus on James Cook as an historical figure, the poetry explicitly references his “descendants” and other men of his ethnicity; “men like [him]”. Avia’s other work includes harmful generalisations including equating the Christchurch terrorist with all of those who share his ethnic roots.
We have written to Minister for Arts, Culture, and Heritage Hon Carmel Sepuloni and Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon regarding the matter, but it seems they are hoping the story will simply fade away.
Although we have urged them to take action and treat this racism as seriously as they would if any other race were being targeted, Meng Foon is sticking his head in the sand and intends to dodge any calls for him to take action.
Here is a copy of the letter we sent to Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon:
To ensure politicians and public servants do not just sweep this under the carpet, we are planning to get our letter published in newspapers across the country.
Will you chip in to help us amplify this issue?
Read more
Submissions Closing Soon: Canterbury Regional Council (Ngāi Tahu Representation) Bill
Separatism is once again being forced upon New Zealanders through the second attempt to entrench unelected tribal appointees into local government.
The Canterbury Regional Council (Ngāi Tahu Representation) Bill will create two positions for representatives of Ngai Tahu without any requirement of a democratic process.
This Government previously succeeded in removing the opportunity for New Zealanders to challenge the establishment of separatist Maori Wards in local authorities. Building on this, the next phase, as demonstrated in this Bill, is to entrench tribalism in a way which directly undermines the democratic process.
The previous attempt to pass this legislation failed when, in 2019, National, New Zealand First and ACT MPs defeated the Bill. This time the Government has the numbers, so only people power will force Government MPs to do a U-turn.
This legislation will result in a system that:
- is profoundly undemocratic
- increases bureaucracy and cost
- compromises environmental protections through conflicts of interest between Ngai Tahu business/property interests (as one of the largest business interests in the area) and the Regional Council
>>>Secure your democratic right to be heard 📣
We need you to make a submission on this Bill right now. Because of the summer period, the Bill has gone largely unnoticed. It is essential that there is a clear message sent to this Government. Submissions close on 2 February.
Please copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) our suggested wording below. The key thing is you act now before it is too late.
Email the suggested submission below to the Maori Affairs Select Comittee ( [email protected] ) - and it is important that you copy us in so we can keep print and hand-deliver your submission to Parliament. Our email is [email protected]
SUGGESTED SUBMISSION (Feel free to change or add to it):
Dear Committee,
I submit in opposition to the Canterbury Regional Council (Ngāi Tahu Representation) Bill.
The Bill undermines New Zealand’s democracy, and tradition that we are all equal in our democratic representation. Democratically elected authorities require representatives to be elected and accountable to their constituents.
On this basis:
- All members on the Canterbury Regional Council should be elected, and accountable at the ballot box.
- Any change to the make-up of the Council should be a decision arising from consultation with the community affected by this change, not dictated from on high
- With the significant business interests and assets controlled by Ngāi Tahu, environmental protections are at risk of being compromised - Ngāi Tahu have enormous conflicts of interest which are not adequately dealt with in the Bill
- The Treaty of Waitangi (Article III) guaranteed the same rights to all citizens. This legislation would afford greater rights to one group of citizens based upon race.
This Bill represents a significant constitutional change and should therefore require a supermajority in Parliament, or (at minimum) a referendum of the affected communities before it proceeds.
Hobson's Pledge: Pae Ora Submission
Oral submissions on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill commenced this week. The bespoke select committee was established on the basis that, according to the Government, the Health Select Committee was not "appropriate" for this legislation due to the Treaty implications. Alarm bells should be raised when the relevant select committee was precluded from the most significant health reform New Zealand has seen.
Hobson’s Pledge will continue to push back against any legislation that differentiates the fundamental rights of citizens based upon race. Fiona McKenzie, representing Hobson’s Pledge, made the following submission via video.
You can read the speaking notes for our oral submission below.
Ross Meurant: you can lead a horse to water but..
Hon Dr Michael Bassett’s article: Another Maori Power Grab, (1) thrusts into the faces of New Zealander’s how successful the “Woke Broke” government of Jacinda Ardern has been appropriating government assets built over time by contributing taxpayers of every race, creed, colour, religion and belief.
Read moreHobson's Pledge Submission: Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill
Hobson’s Pledge wants all New Zealanders to benefit from quality health care. Yes, there are New Zealanders with complex needs who require significant help, but this isn’t restricted to just those with a Maori ancestor. The causes are usually multifaceted and can certainly not all be blamed on the health system.
Read moreBrash questions roadblock safety, openness, accountability
Police should publish the selection process used to appoint non-Police personnel to enforce compliance with Covid-19 regulations at roadblocks, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read morePeter Clark: Dear former New Zealanders
Dear former New Zealanders,
I left what was previously known as NZ on Friday. A sixth generation NZr, my family elders helped build that nation. We even have a small town named in honour of our family. No longer could I take the constant racial and cultural division. The communisation and Marxism of the nation that once was the blood that flows through my veins.
Read moreDon Brash: Pae Ora Submission
This Bill must be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever to come before the New Zealand Parliament in that it unashamedly and explicitly introduces racism into the New Zealand health sector.
Read moreWendy Clark: Health Reforms Bill (Pae Ora) submission
The Government has no mandate for the introduction of a “Partnership” or “Co-Governed” arrangement when it comes to the provision of Health Services. Nor does it have a mandate for He Pua Pua and yet it is being implemented in the shape of this Bill. This is chilling.
Read moreOur new radio advert
Thank you to all those who chipped in to get this on air across the Newstalk ZB and iHeart Radio networks. To chip-in to the campaign, click here.
Sky News: Our woke friends across the ditch
The policies of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government have led to the creation of a “Maori elite” which relies on “Maori victimhood,” according to Hobson’s Pledge founding trustee Casey Costello.
Read moreEvidence that He Puapua is under way
Despite national publicity about what was a covert plan, named He Puapua, to set up two governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and one for everyone else, most are unaware of how far this plan is progressed. Three WatersThe evidence comes from the He Puapua plan itself which may be downloaded by going to Reject co-governance and clicking on Click here to see the uncensored plan (in red).
The He Puapua transformation
He Puapua is a report which was commissioned in 2019 by Te Puni Kokiri (the Ministry of Maori Development) to guide the Government application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This divisive and highly controversial report, which proposes a comprehensive change to New Zealand governance, was kept secret until 2021. This is an excerpt from “He Puapua, Blueprint for breaking up New Zealand”, John Robinson 2021, published by Tross Publishing.
Read moreRoss Meurant: Irony or Tragedy
As the Courts seem to unite in their support for the current Labour government quest for Customary Maori Law to usurp Statutory Law, irony emerges from the dark clouds which gather over the Land of the Long White Cloud.
Read moreBrash: A Govt that imposes Three Waters is a dictatorship
A Government that ignores reasoned opposition from local government by imposing 50/50 iwi-council co-governance through its Three Waters Plan is yet another step closer to a dictatorship, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreThank you for signing our petitions
Thank you for signing our petition, either against the underhand attempt to change our nation’s name from New Zealand to “Aotearoa”, or against the equally underhand attempt to set up two governments, one for Maori and one for everyone else.
Read moreBrash: Treaty does not oblige University to pretend it is in partnership with local Maori tribe
To: Cheryl de la Rey
Subject: Your press statement announcing the University's Office of Treaty Partnership
Dear Dr de la Rey,
As a graduate of the University of Canterbury, I was dismayed - indeed, horrified would not be too strong a word - to read your press statement announcing the University's new Office of Treaty Partnership.
Read moreBrash: Government needs agreement of the people to change the name of our country
Polls show that the great majority of New Zealanders don’t support a change in our country’s name.
Read moreBruce Moon: another academic joins the Treaty-twisting chorus
"It must surely be a matter of very considerable concern that national news media do not exercise some informed discrimination and decline to publish such infantile nonsense as the tales of Associate Professor Claire Charters of the University of Auckland Law School".
Read moreThe Three Waters $120B grab - what you’re not being told
The three waters are drinking water, wastewater and stormwater. The Three Waters Plan (that you may have seen advertisements for) is a tricky co-governance plan for central government to get control of our assets which are managed by our local councils. After more than 60 iwi-only meetings, Government and tribal leaders have divided New Zealand into four massive, unwieldy zones. Each zone will take ownership and control of our water and water-related infrastructure.
Read morePetition to eradicate ‘Aotearoa’ from official use
Lobby group Hobson’s Pledge is pushing for the name “Aotearoa” to be removed from official use until a binding referendum is held to decide whether or not to proceed with changing the name of New Zealand.
Read moreOnly 28% support 'Aotearoa' as name
Click on the Curia research poll of 1,000 New Zealanders to get the full poll that shows that only 28% support changing the name of our country from New Zealand to Aotearoa.
The survey, conducted in the first week of September 2021, shows that 39% are strongly opposed and 49% are opposed.
Read moreRoss Meurant: Dust settles on Seymour
And it poured down on David.
At first, it was asphyxiating: NZ Herald: David Seymour under fire over Maori vaccination comments
Then, it was misguided: NZ Herald: Debbie Ngrewa Packer: David Seymour's Maori vaccination code attack misguided
Read more
Ross Meurant: Maori Myth is Not Science
As a former detective I learned well that a week’s delay in recording evidence, let alone a year or 1200 years, makes a big difference. Oral transfer of past events gets distorted, exaggerated and invariably is a bare resemblance to what actually happened.
Read moreRoss Meurant: APARTHEID IN NEW ZEALAND. If I must go to jail for saying this; then so it be.
In 1981 I was one who literally fought to protect the rights of Kiwis who wanted to exercise their lawful right to attend rugby games and not have their travel disrupted by protestors who disregarded the rights of fellow Kiwis in their quest to fight Apartheid in another country.
Today, I find myself in a role not dissimilar to that of John Minto 1981. Difference is; I stand against Apartheid in New Zealand.
Read moreElizabeth Rata: Ethno-Nationalism or Democratic-Nationalism: Which way ahead for New Zealand?
With the sudden emergence into our political life of the revolutionary report He Puapua, it is clear New Zealanders are at a crossroads. We will have to decide whether we want our future to be that of an ethno-nationalist state or a democratic-nationalist one.
Read moreSeymour: "People shouldn’t have a seat at the table just because of who their ancestors were"
“Labour’s push for co-governance of our water assets is another small step towards a Partnership State where a small number of New Zealanders have greater rights under the law,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
Read moreOpen letter: Don Brash to the Prime Minister
Prime Minister,
Again and again, you and your Ministers refer to the “partnership” created by the Treaty of Waitangi. I wonder if you would be kind enough to explain to me (and to the many other New Zealanders who would be interested in your answer) where you found reference to “partnership”, or any synonym of “partnership”, in any version of the Treaty.
Read moreTikanga in law: what does it mean?
A friend has brought to my attention a recent article, written from a radical Maori perspective, on the legal force of tikanga and the court case on which it is based. Since I have written a book on tikanga, he suggested that I prepare a response.
Read moreBrash: Giving one tribe equal say with 23 councils outrageous
A proposal to give one tribe equal say to that of 23 councils over South Island water without consulting the non-Maori community is outrageous, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreBrash: Flawed judgment will lead to coastal give-away
Using flawed reasoning to give 44km of the Bay of Plenty coastal and marine area to a few private individuals and groups is not what is expected of the High Court of New Zealand, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreRoger Childs: School Curriclum "histories" submission
As probably the key element in the He Puapua strategy designed to achieve joint Maori-Crown sovereignty by 2040, the proposed curriculum is hugely important. If you are alarmed that your children and grandchildren may be indoctrinated through a heavily biased history curriculum, you should at least send in a submission. Feel free to use anything from my work below. Submissions close May 31.
Read moreFiona Mackenzie: draft curriculum designed to foster ethnic division, to breed resentment and foster guilt
The draft curriculum seems designed to foster ethnic division, to breed resentment and to foster guilt, so it is highly likely to cultivate young activists. It reeks of psychologic abuse of the children in our education system and is inappropriate for teaching professionals to administer. If this is an example of the standard of current curricula, it helps explain the high level of anxiety being reported amongst New Zealand children. Consequently, I consider this draft totally flawed and beyond redemption.
Read moreMike Butler: Are you OK with two governments under tribal rule?
Are you OK with a radical plan for two governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and one for everyone else, both under a tribal monitoring group, to be up and running within the next 19 years?
With Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta at the helm, the plan has been slipped into the system, under the radar, without troubling MPs or talking to the media. The Labour Party did not campaign on this in either the 2017 or 2020 elections.
Read moreBrash: PM needs to be honest about tribal govt plan
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern should front up to the people of New Zealand about what has and has not been decided on a plan for two governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and one for everyone else, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreACT: He Puapua represents a significant and serious departure from the idea that all New Zealanders are equal before the law.
"The Prime Minister is patronising New Zealanders when she says the He Puapua report shouldn't have been released in case taxpayers didn't understand it," says ACT Leader David Seymour.
Read more
Judith Collins - PM needs to give a straight answer on He Puapua
It is right that we acknowledge and address the wrongs of the past, which is why National continues to support targeted programmes based on need, such as Whānau Ora. But we do not support division along racial lines when it comes to running core services and ownership of things like the foreshore and seabed
Read moreRadical Government continues push for co-governance
“ACT opposes co-governance – it’s divisive and represents a serious departure from the idea that all New Zealanders have equal rights".
Read moreJudith Collins: Labour's vision for New Zealand will divide us and take us backwards
If Labour believes that the Treaty intended two systems for everything, and that this is the model we want in 2021, then this is a fundamental change to our society. We cannot accept this via a health reform, via Māori wards, and via justice changes.
It has to be a national conversation - one that has honest, respectful and open debate.
Brash: Grotesque fabrication to suggest Treaty guaranteed race based voting
Since the Labour Government rushed through a law change at the beginning of February denying ratepayers the right to call for a referendum before a local government created one or more Maori wards, there has been a sharp increase in the number of local governments intending to do this – or at very least, considering doing so.
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Fiona Mackenzie: Control the Water, Subjugate the People
The Water Services Bill (the Bill) currently making its way through Parliament has much to commend it. Most New Zealanders want the quality of our freshwater and drinking water to be maintained to a high standard throughout the country. Similarly, most would support the prioritising of wastewater and stormwater infrastructure and maintenance to an equally high standard. These are absolute basics in any first world country.
Read moreVote against Maori constituency or have a referendum
This is a submission against a proposal by the Taranaki Regional Council to set up a Maori constituency. There is no evidence that this is a step strongly desired by Maori roll voters. Sufficient opportunities for all citizens are available to contribute to decision-making processes. Maori constituencies and wards set up elsewhere have not increased participation by Maori voters. If the council wishes to test this option, the council should put the matter to a vote. The submission is on behalf of equality group Hobson’s Pledge, which was set up to debate such issues.
Read moreBassett: Racism on a grand scale
A bizarre craze seems to be sweeping New Zealand right now. All things derived from Europe, except our creature comforts, must be set aside, as we are expected to embrace all things Māori. It's racism on a grand scale.
Read moreRoss Meurant: A Step too far: Bi-Cultural Partnership
Bi-Culturalism, predicated as it is and as promulgated by its exponents on the concept of “Partnership”, means Maori should rule New Zealand as an equal partner with, The Rest – of us Kiwis. By its very description bi-cultural partnership looms in New Zealand today as: DIVISIVE.
Read moreBrash: Surrendering to protesters should make us all afraid
Surrendering to the demands of noisy protesters should make us all very afraid, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreRefund expected after editor’s Maori ward advert whinge
Stuff should refund money paid for an advert after the editor of the newspaper in which it appeared publicly criticised it, Hobson’s Pledge spokesperson Don Brash said today.
Read moreBruce Moon: Nelson Council supports race based wards against wishes of ratepayers
Nelson is generally considered to be one of the more congenial cities in New Zealand and perhaps in the world – the climate mild and the people relaxed. As is to be expected, there are rather less residents of part-Maori descent than in most North Island towns.
Read moreBrash: Govt should shut down new illegal Maori roadblocks
Once again, we are seeing appalling examples of Maori tribes taking the law into their own hands, and putting barriers around what they refer to as “their territory”, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreRoss Meurant: Re-writing history to suit contemporary agendas will produce “blowback” from ordinary Kiwis
NZ Herald reads: “New anti-racism campaign featuring Taika Waititi launched by Human Rights Commission.[i]” Perhaps this initiative reflects the height of a tsunami of countering racial prejudice, which has swamped New Zealand since the wave of protests in the US and globally, over the killing in police custody of George Floyd.
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Brash: Race-based Govt tendering appalling
It is appalling that this Government, which pretends to oppose racism, nevertheless wants to allocate contracts for building infrastructure on the basis of the race of the contractor, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
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