Consultation on the implementation in New Zealand of the United Nation’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People will start with Maori groups, Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson confirmed on Thursday. See More UNDRIP consultation
Although he said the He Puapua plan for two governments under tribal control is not the Government’s plan, the fact that consultation with Maori groups will take place first, plus a series of steps already undertaken that were also part of the He Puapua plan, makes it difficult to shake the perception that the He Puapua plan is exactly what the Government proposes.
Just in case any readers are hazy on what He Puapua is all about, the plan prescribes:
- A fully bicultural sphere of solely Crown governance that includes Parliament, the Beehive, and the civil service, as currently exists, to govern the 4.5 million non-Maori citizens of New Zealand.
- A sphere of solely Maori governance, with the same level of authority and responsibility as shown in the diagram above to govern the half million citizens of Maori descent.
- The two spheres will overlap creating a “co-governance sphere” in which the Crown and Maori share governance in “matters of mutual concern”.
- Progress towards two governments would be monitored by a group named the Aotearoa Independent Monitoring Group, a group created by the Iwi Leaders Group.
- The Crown will be accountable to the United Nations for setting this up.
The plan would extend the model of the separate Maori health authority, which is currently under construction, to the entire government.
Our petition against the separate governments plan has picked up more than 8500 signatures. If you have not done so already, click here to sign Reject co-governance
Half of all water assets may be quietly given to tribes
Hobson’s Pledge opposes the Three Waters plan released last week, in which all of New Zealand’s water services will be amalgamated into four super entities, because it is intended that the proposed regional groups will be governed on a 50/50 basis between local authorities on the one hand and Maori tribal groups on the other. See Three waters shake-up
There will be four water entities: one encompassing Northland and Auckland, the second covering the centre of the North Island as well as Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty, and the third taking in the east coast down to Wellington – this entity takes the top of the South Island too, specifically Nelson and Marlborough. The final entity covers the rest of the South Island.
The plan, which cites modelling that appears to promise savings for households, would transfer water assets from local authorities to the new entities, governed, as noted, on a 50/50 basis by local authorities on the one hand and tribal groups on the other.
There has been no mention of compensation for what will be in effect the confiscation of assets from the people who paid for them.
It looks like Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta is facing an uphill battle managing to convince councils. The Whangarei District Council pulled out on June 29, a day before the announcement, and the mayor of Auckland has also expressed severe misgivings. See Mahuta not convincing
It doesn’t look like there is an opportunity for taxpayers to have a say on this.
Last year the Department of Internal Affairs consulted Maori groups only, following the He Puapua prescription mentioned above. The Joint Three Waters Steering Committee will continue to negotiate with local government, tribes, and industry professionals through this year. See Three waters reform
Is everyone now aware of racist procurement rule?
When the co-owner of a small makeup company in Christchurch told broadcaster Mike Hosking this week that she had received a letter from one of her clients, the New Zealand Defence Force, asking her whether her business is Maori owned, awareness of a racist procurement policy went mainstream.
According to guidelines released last December, at least 5 percent of the total number of procurement contracts awarded each year by the government must be awarded to Maori businesses.
The Christchurch makeup company, Minifies, has supplied fake blood and other special effects to the Defence Force since 2009. See Prove you are a Maori business
There are concerns the government's new procurement rules could be taking legitimate business away from those who aren't Maori.
Does this extension of race-based affirmative action into procurement show how the Government expands institutional racism?
Our coastal petition is growing
As the private appeal against the Churchman ruling which gave a section of the coast around Opotiki to Maori groups prepares, our petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, and repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights has picked up more than 37,200 signatures. We need your support. The petition may be signed at
Frequently asked questions
- What is Hobson's Pledge? Hobson’s Pledge supporters think it is absurd to argue in the 21st century that people who chance to have a Maori ancestor, always with other ancestors too of course, should have superior rights to those who don’t. And utterly absurd that there are politicians who want to be taken seriously who still push this nonsense.
- What are the issues we're facing today?
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