Is this racist? Your taxes paid for it.
Posted by Casey Costello · March 08, 2023 12:30 PM
Submissions Closing Soon: Canterbury Regional Council (Ngāi Tahu Representation) Bill
Posted by Casey Costello · January 27, 2022 10:16 PM
Hobson's Pledge: Pae Ora Submission
Posted by Admin · January 27, 2022 8:58 PM
Three Waters plan was mandated from the start
Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta refused to rule out making the reforms mandatory, only confirming the legislated approach in late October.
Cabinet agreed on June 14, 2021, to a mandated approach to the Three Waters reform and spent the next four months telling councils that the plan was voluntary and councils could opt out, according to Cabinet papers quietly released last month.
Radio New Zealand reported this late on Friday afternoon, after news the previous day that introduction of a Three Waters bill would be delayed until next year, See Mandated
“Discussions (during a two-month consultation period) would have been "quite different" if councils had been told about the mandated plan from the outset,” Whangarei mayor Sheryl Mai said.
According to sources in Wellington, there is a standoff between Labour's Maori caucus (who want co-governed water) and the provincial Labour MPs and Cabinet Ministers who are feeling the political heat from widespread opposition to the Government’s proposal.
Dear former New Zealanders . . .
Here is a letter sent in to us:
“I left what was previously known as New Zealand on Friday. No longer could I take the constant racial and cultural division. The communisation and Marxism of the nation that once was the blood that flows through my veins. A sixth-generation New Zealander, my family elders helped build that nation. We even have a small town named in honour of our family.
“I was born in Christchurch, New Zealand. My passport says so. My birth certificate says so. Every legal document I have says so. But all I got for the last four years was Otautahi. Aotearoa. And a whole bunch of other words that I don’t understand because they’re not the nation I was born into, or my children, or grandchildren, or my parents, my grandparents, my great-grandparents, my great-great-grandparents. No, we were all born in New Zealand.
Read the full letter at
He Puapua author fights book-ban attempt
Dr John Robinson, who wrote He Puapua: Blueprint for breaking up New Zealand and other books, has taken One News to task for broadcasting an appeal last week to bookstores to refuse to stock his book and books by his publisher, Tross Publishing.
The claim of “half-truths and out-right lies” (in his He Puapua book), unsupported by any clear example, is unacceptable from anyone, let alone a university lecturer (who attacked him on television), Dr Robinson wrote in a statement titled “TV1 News has proposed a ban on sales of books”.
“As my book makes clear, the separatist movement that is clearly described in the He Puapua report is aimed at destroying democracy and setting up a three-chamber legislation for New Zealand (one for Maori, a second for the others but with a strong Maori presence, and a third joint chamber, with a Maori veto, for negotiation between the two divided ‘partners’),” he wrote.
“There are no “half-truths and out-right lies” here. These comments are supported by quotes from Maori activists and lengthy quotes from key sources, such as the He Puapua report,” he wrote.
Campaign update
Since the Maori Party declared war on “coloniser names”, and since Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta revealed that the Three Waters plan would be forced on councils, we have experienced a surge both in numbers of supporters and donations, for which we are deeply grateful.
Your financial support enabled spending on three advertising campaigns.
Thirteen billboards erected in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, during November, reminded everyone that we live in New Zealand, not Aotearoa. The billboards certainly attracted attention. Every billboard was attacked.
A dual New Zealand, not Aotearoa/Three waters social media campaign, active until just before Christmas, helped increase signatures on our petition and on our letter to the Prime Minister.
A two-week Three Waters radio campaign on the NewsTalk ZB network throughout New Zealand widened awareness of the co-governance aspect of water infrastructure seizure.
Buying advertising space is not cheap. Those three campaigns chewed through around $60,000.
Your engagement as citizens concerned about the racist Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill led to thousands of submissions being sent in.
For five years, we have been keeping pressure on MPs over pending race-based legislation, and on councillors, over tribal appointees and Maori wards.
The decision to defer introducing three waters legislation could be a sign that this work is making a difference.
New Zealand, not Aotearoa
Nearly 35,000 have signed our petition calling on our Prime Minister to affirm publicly that the name of our nation is New Zealand, not Aotearoa. If you have not yet signed, click here and like and share the page.
Dear Prime Minister . . .
More than 14,000 have signed our open letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern which says that we are especially worried about the iwi entitlement to governance of Three Waters. If you have not done so already, you may sign the letter at
Dump two governments plan
Nearly 24,000 have signed our He Puapua petition calling on the Prime Minister to reject outright and cease implementing all aspects of the two-government plan as described in He Puapua, the plan presented as realising in New Zealand the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. If you have not already done so, click here to sign Reject co-governance.
Beaches for us all
And our petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, and repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights, has picked up nearly 48,000 signatures. The petition may be signed at
Frequently asked questions
- What is Hobson's Pledge? Hobson’s Pledge supporters think it is absurd to argue in the 21st century that people who chance to have a Maori ancestor, always with other ancestors too of course, should have superior rights to those who don’t. And utterly absurd that there are politicians who want to be taken seriously who still push this nonsense.
- What are the issues we're facing today?
- What are our campaigns?
Join the debate on Facebook. You may visit this page at
Visit our website at
Grow the movement. Forward this email to your friends and family
Donate. Visit
Buy a book. Visit
Iwi checkpoints are back after quiet law change
Former MP and founder of Te Tai Tokerau Border Control Hone Harawira flying the Maori sovereignty flag at a checkpoint.
Read morePlease submit against racist health system bill
Time is running out to make your submission against the racist Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill that is currently being rushed through Parliament. The Bill will replace the New Zealand Health and Disability Act 2000 with an apartheid structure presented as Treaty partnership in action while claiming it will achieve equitable outcomes for Maori health.
Read moreThank you for supporting massive protest
Thank you for supporting massive protest
Thank you to those who taped a sign to your vehicle and drove the Groundswell route through the town nearest you on Sunday.
Read moreEvidence that He Puapua is under way
Despite national publicity about what was a covert plan, named He Puapua, to set up two governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and one for everyone else, most are unaware of how far this plan is progressed. Three WatersThe evidence comes from the He Puapua plan itself which may be downloaded by going to Reject co-governance and clicking on Click here to see the uncensored plan (in red).
Thank you for your support on Three Waters
National MP Nicola Willis showed the unprecedented Three Waters headline to Parliament. Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta accused councils of spreading misinformation.
Read moreThree Waters = tribal control over fresh water
The Three Waters are the water you drink, waste water and storm water.
Labour's "Three Waters" is a radical plan altering the ownership and control of New Zealand's fresh water infrastructure. Despite huge opposition, Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta has announced that the Ardern-Mahuta Labour government will confiscate council-owned water assets across New Zealand and transfer them to four mega water companies.
What does it mean for you?
- each water authority wil be controlled by an unelected board of twelve members
- six will be appointed by iwi, the other six members will represent all the councils contributing assets to the water authority. That means for example, that just six people will represent all twenty South Island councils
- those twelve people will have total control over the water that flows in and out of your property, and how much you pay for it.
- you will have to do their bidding, and pay whatever they charge and you can't vote them out of office because they are not elected to represent you eg requiring farmers to introduce cripplingly expensive (and largely unnecessary) water treatment facilities, which could force them off the land.
Three waters = tribal control over fresh water
- Three Waters grants equal representation between local governments (which also represent ordinary Maori folk) and Maori tribes
- all Board decisions will require a 75% majority, as iwi members tend to vote en bloc, this effectively grants tribal representatives control over all major decisions
Three waters grants exclusive ownership rights to iwi over a necessity of life - fresh water
- The new structure recognises what Mahuta calls the "mana o te wai" - or authority over fresh water a necessity of life. As no other New Zealanders are granted "mana o te wai", Mahuta is transferring ownership rights in fresh water exclusively to iwi
Who or what exactly are iwi?
- iwi are private entities made up of complex networks of trusts and companies operating commercial businesses that are hugely wealthy
Legalised extortion
- the Three Waters structure will further cement legalised extortion into our legal framework where eg iwi rights under the RMA result in special deals for iwi contractors and expensive consultancy reports (which are unwanted and of no value to the recipient except to be granted iwi "approval")
Conflicts of interest between iwi profits and the environment
- conflicts of interest between environmental concerns and iwi business profits will arise, eg Ngai Tahu board members will be able to vote against environmental concerns, even though this will serve Ngai Tahu's financial interests.
We must not stand for this: what you can do:
Kick up a fuss. Email Jacinda Ardern and Nanaia Mahuta. Tell them that if Labour push this obnoxious legislation through then you will make sure that they are voted out of power.
Sign our Open Letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern:
Groundswell The Mother of All Protests - 21st November:
Farmers have been attacked on all sides by stifling regulations and new rules which could see them forced off their farms. The Three Waters Plan is the final straw. Join the protests which are being held up and down the country on 21st November. Take along a "NO 3 Waters" sign.
Click here to find out details of the protest:
Click here for a list of protest meeting places
Hobson's Pledge members have been extremely generous in contributing to our campaign so far. Please accept our sincere thanks.
If you wish to contribute to our campaign, donate here:
Brash: A Govt that imposes Three Waters is a dictatorship
A Government that ignores reasoned opposition from local government by imposing 50/50 iwi-council co-governance through its Three Waters Plan is yet another step closer to a dictatorship, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read more