Which NZ history for schools, will children be indoctrinated?

News that New Zealand history will be taught in all schools from 2022 raises two questions -- which version will be taught and will our children be indoctrinated.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s difficulties with the contents of the Treaty of Waitangi in February is evidence of a widespread ignorance of such matters.

Currently, the national curriculum allows schools to decide how it is covered, which leads to some schools teaching aspects of our history and others ignoring the subject altogether.

An indicator would be whether the syllabus gives the same weight to the pre-Treaty inter-tribal musket wars as it does to armed conflict in the 1860s.

Glossing over inter-tribal conflict allows the narrative that Maori were living in natural harmony before colonisers disrupted everything.

The teaching of national history should be a no-brainer in a civilised country. But the problem we have is that the Treaty settlement process has created politically motivated “agreed histories”.

These follow a formula to spin the details of land sales, armed conflict, and the conduct of the Native Land Court, all to justify grievances.

The New Zealand Principals Federation sees the teaching of New Zealand history as “another means to break down societal racism which thrives in a climate of ignorance”. 

So, it looks like “agreed histories” taught under principals on a social mission would ramp up the teaching of white guilt in New Zealand schools to an industrial scale.

See https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/09/new-zealand-history-to-be-taught-in-all-kiwi-schools-from-2022.html?fbclid=IwAR0t2WhmLv29FX_Tu4XAZc3RX1HGWMOlKM6KOHjRduMrYrgs9Nj_WPUBT3g

Council gives $1m Elms section to a Maori trust

The Tauranga City Council voted on September 10 to transfer a million-dollar section of land at 11 Mission St, adjacent to The Elms heritage building, to a Maori trust despite 58 percent of 775 submissions opposing the move.

The council delayed the vote to obtain a report from historian Vincent O’Malley, who is accustomed to writing material that helps Waitangi Tribunal claimants.

O’Malley agreed that the Church Missionary Society had bought the land outright, but justified the gift by arguing that the Church held it in trust for Maori.

If Tauranga councillors think they are in the business of Treaty settlements, the gift adds to the $26.5 million settlement for Ngai Te Rangi and Nga Potiki and $38 million for Ngati Ranginui, all of Tauranga.

Petitions update

We launched a petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights. We have picked up 3563 signatures. We need your support. The petition may be signed at http://chng.it/stXwrrtFLY

We launched another petition to evict protesters at Ihumatao, and for the Government to allow both Te Kawerau a Maki and Fletchers to proceed with their lawful business. During the week the protest “downsized”. We have collected 2494 signatures. The petition may be signed at  http://chng.it/xPN6P55k

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