Where does Muller stand on racial preference?

A former senior MP once commented that in his view a one-law-for-all type political party could draw enough voter support to get it over the five percent threshold into Parliament. We would be keen to know where the new National Party leader, Todd Muller, stands on Hobson’s Pledge issues:

  • Mr Muller, three of the last four National Party leaders have promised that the next National Government would abolish separate Maori electorates, as recommended by the Royal Commission on the Electoral System more than 30 years ago.  Where do you stand on that issue?
  • Mr Muller, Simon Bridges is on the record saying that the Waitangi Tribunal should be abolished as soon as historical Treaty claims have been settled?  What’s your position on that, and are you willing to give an undertaking about how soon the historical claims will be resolved?
  • Mr Muller, four leading political figures - David Lange, Jim McLay, Winston Peters and Chris Finlayson, all with a legal background - have expressed the view that the Treaty of Waitangi did not create a partnership between those with a Maori ancestor and the Crown, but involved Maori chiefs surrendering sovereignty to the Crown.  What’s your view of the Treaty?

Failing a formal response, some hard-working reporter could put those questions to him.

GP funding for Covid-19 is race-based

General practitioner funding for Covid-19 is allocated on the basis of the race of enrolled patients, according to documents obtained by the Taxpayers Union.

A response obtained under the Official Information Act showed that GPs received $4.50 in funding per Maori or Pacifika patient with any other ethnicities worth only $1.50 – only a third of the amount.

The Taxpayers Union commented “so much for the Government’s Covid-19 slogan that ‘we’re all in this together’. Skin colour shouldn’t be the proxy for how much money the Government allocates for healthcare”.

Only 8 percent of Covid-19 cases in New Zealand involve Maori patients and 5 percent Pacifika, according to Ministry of Health updates. This is around half their respective shares of the population.

If they are less affected than other ethnicities, why do they get three times more funding?

Racism commissioner wants land wars holiday

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon confirmed on Friday that he had emailed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern asking her to mark the New Zealand Land Wars with a public holiday, saying “this is what iwi want”.

Mr Foon seems unaware that such a move would lumber employers with the cost of another white guilt day (along with Waitangi Day) at a time when the economy is headed for depression.

The term “land wars” refers to a series of sporadic armed conflicts between 1845 and 1872 in which 2154 anti-government Maori and 745 British, colonists, and pro-government Maori were killed, according to historian James Cowan.

Then they were called “tribal rebellions”. The term “land wars” was a recent invention.

There is no suggestion of commemorating the estimated 35,400 probable Maori deaths in 633 inter-tribal battles between 1800 and 1840.

We hope everyone of you sends a complaint to https://www.hrc.co.nz/complaint-form/  reminding Mr Foon that many Maori fought on the side of the Government to bring peace to New Zealand.

Why our new look?

You may have noticed the new-look header on this newsletter. The revamp has come at a time when we face an uncertain and worrying future.

Our message to New Zealand in the post-Covid-19 world is that as we work to repair our economy and protect our most vulnerable, we should move forward as one, irrespective of when we or our ancestors arrived here.

Check out our new website https://www.hobsonspledge.nz/

Far North roadblock ridiculed

New Zealand First MP Shane Jones ridiculed the barrier blocking traffic in the Far North by saying “Cape Reinga has been hijacked by Ngati Kuri and their cultural mumbo jumbo.” https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/shane-jones-calls-iwis-reason-barring-access-cape-reinga-cultural-mumbo-jumbo?fbclid=IwAR2kgVG0pT0Wi-6HA4l5jH1BULbOb7aJcePjVuvEjXV2tWvr_x0D3Ej_bwo   Our petition to the Prime Minister to end such vigilante roadblocks has gathered 6354 signatures. You may sign it by going to http://chng.it/6wSxmQ2v

Share coastal petition with friends

Our petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, and repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights, has picked up 22,044 signatures. We need your support. The petition may be signed at https://www.change.org/beaches4all Even if you have signed, you may follow the link to ask your social media friends.

What’s happening at Ihumatao?

Our petition for the Government to allow both Te Kawerau a Maki and Fletchers to proceed with their lawful business of building houses at Ihumatao has collected 3000 signatures. If you have not done so already, please sign our petition at  http://chng.it/xPN6P55k
