Banning Don Brash from a university is one thing but suggesting that advocacy of arguments made by New Zealanders such as him should be made illegal is a whole lot worse. It was precisely these sorts of threats that sparked the creation of the Free Speech Coalition last year.
They have set up a petition to challenge Justice Minister Andrew Little's proposed anti-hate-speech laws. You can sign it here - and please share it widely.
You could also send a message to Mr Little by emailing him at [email protected].
If the cause of equal citizenship is regarded as hate-speech, as some seem to argue, a very large number of New Zealanders will be found guilty.
But even if it was a fringe or minority position, these New Zealanders should have the same right to make their case as those with opposing views, such as Mr Little. Arguing for equality of citizenship is far from "hate".
It appears the Justice Minister is threatening to use his position of power to shut down the voices of political outsiders. This move would conveniently protect Mr Little’s own political position and set a precedent to shield other “politically correct” views from challenge.
It’s a perfect example of how new speech suppression laws could be twisted to stifle opposition to those in power.
Existing laws against harassment and the incitement of violence are justified. But creating so-called “hate-speech” laws promoted by Andrew Little are far more open to biased interpretation based on the prejudices of the elite political class.