Separatist indoctrination in schools will become law on July 1 after a revision by the Education Council in a 44-page Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession.
This will replace the current, five-page Practising Teacher Criteria and will replace the Graduating Teacher Standards.
The code sets out four principles of commitment for teachers: to the teaching profession, to learners, to parents and caregivers, and to society. See
Built into each of these four principles is separatist doctrine: Demonstrating a commitment to tangata whenuatanga and bicultural partnership, affirming Maori learners as tangata whenua, and demonstrating a commitment to a bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand.
Although coincidence does not prove causation, the entrenchment of bicultural expectations on teachers in law coincides with a decline in numbers completing teacher training.
Figures released by the Ministry of Education show the total number of people training across the early childhood, primary and secondary education sectors fell from 4830 in 2014 to 4220 in 2015 - a drop of 610. See
“Biculturalism”, an incarnation of cultural Marxism, is a form of identity politics that seeks to subvert democratic rule by incorporating tribal authority into governance arrangements.
Hobson’s Pledge says such bicultural Treaty indoctrination in education subverts our basic assumption of equality and discriminates against pupils along a racial divide.
Witness the tribal take-over of the Hauraki Gulf Forum
A push for tribal co-governance of the Hauraki Gulf Forum is on the agenda for tomorrow afternoon’s meeting at the Auckland Town Hall
The Hauraki Gulf Forum is a statutory body, administered by Auckland Council, which manages and protects the Hauraki Gulf, under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000.
The forum currently has 21 members: One each from the Ministries of Conservation, Fisheries, and Maori Affairs, seven elected representatives from the Auckland Council, five elected representatives from Hauraki, Matamata-Piako, Thames-Coromandel, Waikato District and Waikato Regional councils, and six appointed “tangata whenua” members.
The “tangata whenua” appointees are pushing for a 16-member forum made up of eight “tangata whenua” appointees, five members appointed by the Minister of Conservation (which could be political, business or non-governmental organisation leaders rather than Crown representatives), and three members appointed by local authorities (one from each of the Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council and one from the other four territorial authorities mentioned above) who may or may not be elected.
Hobson’s Pledge says introduction of such appointees into local government, especially iwi appointees, undermines accountable democracy by stealth, and regards having half the Forum members appointed by “tangata whenua” as totally inappropriate.
More details on how to object to coastal claims
Many readers who over the past week contacted the High Court in Wellington, to object to applications by iwi-hapu-whanau entities for customary marine title and protected customary rights to coastal areas, found the court swamped with objections.
The High Court has provided advice for those wishing to support or oppose a High Court application. See
The filing fee is $110 per notice to appear. Submitters may complete a waiver-of-fee form, which may or may not be approved.
The only possible avenue of objection to those applications seeking direct negotiation with the Crown instead of applying through the High Court is to send an email to Attorney General Christopher Finlayson, who is the Minister responsible. He may be reached at [email protected]
Claims through the High Court have been notified in newspapers. The NZCPR list is available here and it will be updated as more information comes to hand. Kiwi Frontline's list is here.
A list of claims registered for direct engagement with the Crown is viewable here. See
Perhaps ask two like-minded friends to lodge objections as well. Time is running out. Those wishing to object have until May 30.
Good start for dollar-for-dollar fundraising campaign
The dollar-for-dollar fundraising campaign has had a good start with more than $2000 raised in the first week. Many thanks.
Hobson’s Pledge is about to step up the campaign for all New Zealanders to have the same political rights, irrespective of when we or our ancestors arrived here.
One supporter who has already contributed generously has offered to donate a further dollar for every new dollar which comes in up to a limit of $10,000.
That would support a large billboard in a prominent position in Auckland or Wellington for four months, bringing our message to tens of thousands of people every day.
Please donate to end separatism in New Zealand: the next few months are crucial.
Note: Hobson’s Pledge is run by volunteers who donate time and money. All donations go towards getting the message out.
Donate. Visit
Meet Don and Casey
Don Brash and Casey Costello will speak in Rotorua at 7pm on Monday, June 26, in the function room at Hennessys Irish Bar, 1200 Tutanekai St, Rotorua.
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Authorised by Hobson's Pledge Trust, Suite 311, 184 Symonds Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand.