Protests in New Zealand last weekend at the killing in the United States of a black man by police show “a rising tide of resentment, principally from young Maori conditioned into believing they are victims of white supremacy”.
Such was the comment of former ACT MP Muriel Newman in her column on May 31 titled A Covid Farce. See
While some were protesting about the killing of Minneapolis man George Floyd, perhaps most were protesting other causes, Newman wrote.
“There were vigils for victims of racial injustice, condemnations of institutional racism, protests against police violence, and opposition to the arming of police - the so-called ‘militarisation’ of the New Zealand police force”, she wrote.
Such issues fit the narrative of Maori separatists, whose agenda has inexplicably been embedded within the state sector and our educational institutions, she wrote.
“As a result, while every adverse statistic is now blamed on colonial oppression and institutional racism, the real reasons for Maori deprivation, namely poor education, single parenthood, and intergenerational welfare dependency, rarely ever get a mention,” Newman wrote.
More DHBs may favour Maori, Pacific patients
Half the country's district health boards could consider or have committed to prioritising Maori and Pacific patients for some elective surgeries, according to the Weekend Herald.
Capital and Coast and Hutt Valley DHBs - covering the Wellington region - recently confirmed Māori and Pacific patients would be prioritised for surgeries.
Eight others are considering or have left the door open to similar changes, permanently or while surgery backlogs are cleared after Covid-19 restrictions. They are: Northland, Nelson Marlborough, Taranaki, Wairarapa, Southern, Bay of Plenty, MidCentral and Auckland.
Counties Manukau, Waitemata, Hawke's Bay and Tairawhiti boards didn't directly answer when asked if they are or might consider such changes, or said it was too early to comment.
Dr David Tipene-Leach, who is chair of Te Ora Maori Medical Practitioners Association, and Dr Rawiri Jansen, who is the co-leader of Te Ropu Whakakaupapa Uruta, a national Maori pandemic group, started this particular ball rolling a month ago.
Meanwhile,the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union lodged a formal complain to Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon about the Capital and Coast District Health Board’s decision to move Maori and Pacific patients to the front of their elective surgery queues.
Taxpayers' Union spokesman Jordan Williams said "taxpayer-funded health resources should be allocated solely on clinical need in all instances, not racial preference”..
Bill to widen indoctrination of immigrants
Green Party MP Jan Logie has drafted a private member’s bill to force Maori sovereignty propaganda onto all new citizens.
Although her Citizenship (Acknowledgement of Te Tiriti o Waitangi) Amendment Bill has not been drawn from the ballot and so is not presently being considered by Parliament, it shows the divisive intent of the Green Party, since members’ bills can only be submitted with the approval of the whole party.
Logie’s bill would amend the Citizenship Act 1977, so that after swearing the oath of allegiance to the Queen, new New Zealanders would be informed: “In becoming new citizens of New Zealand, you are joining a nation whose foundation is a Treaty between the indigenous tangata whenua (people of the land) and the Crown. This Treaty, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, offers citizens the opportunity to participate in the ongoing journey towards honourable relationships that are founded on the articles of Te Tiriti agreed to in 1840”.
They would then be given the details of local tribes, to no doubt facilitate their on-going “education”.
Auckland Regional Migrant Services has for years been marketing Treaty myths to new migrants via workshops. See Logie’s bill would make such re-education mandatory.
Ratepayers ponder beach plan for Taupo tribe
The Waikato Regional Council is proposing to transfer monitoring of summer bathing beaches, regional rivers, rainfall and groundwater quality within the Lake Taupo catchment to the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board of Taupo.
Section 33 of the Resource Management Act enables a local authority to transfer any one or more of its functions, powers or duties under the act to another public authority, except for the power of transfer itself.
Councillors voted unanimously in favour of releasing the statement of proposal for public feedback.
Under a 2018 Treaty settlement that gave the tribe $27.8 million (on top of a share of $149 million of forest land and $223 million of forestry rentals), Tuwharetoa was given an advantage in local administration by being granted the right to appoint four members to the Waikato Regional Council and two to the Taupo District Council.
An earlier deal gave ownership of the bed of Lake Taupo to the tribe.
Is the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board actually a public entity as required by Section 33 of the RMA, and does it actually qualify to take over council functions? The board offers no shares to the public. Neither is there a public vote on the trust board’s agenda.
Iwi beach patrols look like roadblocks revisited. Now is the time for people in the area to tell the Waikato Regional Council that council functions should stay with the council.
‘New Zealand’ preferred to ‘Aotearoa’
A poll doing the rounds of social media asks whether the name “Aotearoa” should be officially recognised with “New Zealand”, and whether the addition of “Aotearoa” to “New Zealand” officially would further unite our country. The vote so far favours the name “New Zealand” Please have your say by going to
Coastal claim knock-back appeal
Former Maori Council co-chair Maanu Paul had his “coastal claim for all Maori” knocked back so he is seeking a hearing with the Maori Appellate Court, according to documents filed with the High Court on June 4. Extensive legal funding to Maori for unlimited Maori claims means nearly unlimited access to courts by Maori but not for anyone else.
Our petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, and repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights has picked up 22,984 signatures. We need your support. The petition may be signed at Even if you have signed, you may follow the link to ask your social media friends to sign.
What’s happening at Ihumatao?
Our petition for the Government to allow both Te Kawerau a Maki and Fletchers to proceed with their lawful business has collected 3009 signatures. If you have not done so already, please sign our petition at
Iwi roadblocks ‘ended’
Iwi roadblocks ended on May 14, 2020, according to an email from the Independent Police Conduct Authority on June 3 based on advice from police. Perhaps the police did not include the Cape Reinga roadblock as an iwi roadblock because Northland MP Matt King was refused access there on May 19. Our petition gathered 6642 signatures. Many thanks to all who signed. We were surprised at the degree of official resistance against doing anything to upset the vigilantes operating the roadblocks.
Frequently asked questions
- What is Hobson's Pledge? Hobson’s Pledge supporters think it is absurd to argue in the 21st century that people who chance to have a Maori ancestor, always with other ancestors too of course, should have superior rights to those who don’t. And utterly absurd that there are politicians who want to be taken seriously who still push this nonsense.
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