He Puapua lead planner says Govt ‘lacks legitimacy’

It’s questionable that the New Zealand Government has any legitimacy, the state must give up some power, and New Zealand has a lopsided view of democracy, which should not be tyranny of the majority.

These are the views of Dr Claire Charters who was commissioned by the Ardern Government to create, with others, a plan to implement in New Zealand the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. See Securing rangatiratanga

He Puapua, which is the name of the plan her working group created, is a radical revision of our government into two racially divided spheres, one by Maori for Maori and the other, a fully bi-cultural set-up for everyone else.

We have collected more than 16,700 signatures on a petition against He Puapua. We could double the number of signatures if all who have signed encourage another person to sign.

Please share this email with others and ask your friends to sign. Or, click here to sign  Reject co-governance  and like and share the petition page

‘Aotearoa’ petition highlights lack of press freedom

Our petition calling on the Prime Minister to delete any reference in official communication to any name for our nation other than New Zealand has drawn a big response and has shown the extent to which the mainstream media blacklists anything other than the approved narrative.

We sent the media release announcing the petition to 87 media outlets and only three picked it up, with one, Scoop, being the repository of all media releases sent out. The two other outlets to pick it up were the BFD, published by Cameron Slater, and Sunlive in Tauranga, which referred to it in an interview with Simon Bridges who is the city’s MP.

By contrast, the Maori Party’s petition to change the name of our nation to Aotearoa, as well as the names of every city, town and place that does not have a Maori name received blanket coverage.

Censorship of news and blacklisting unapproved information is a basic problem for any democracy.

This is because the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life is one of the four cornerstones of democracy.

The other cornerstones are a system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections, the protection of the human rights of all citizens, and governance based on the rule of law.

Once “unapproved information” is censored from public discussion, citizens are prevented from active participation in civic life, and one of the four pillars of our democracy crumbles.

Our petition gathered more than 16,600 signatures in the first week. We could double the number of signatures if all who have signed encourage another person to sign. Please share this email with others and ask your friends to sign.

Click here to sign  https://www.hobsonspledge.nz/new_zealand_not_aotearoa and like and share the petition page.

Another Mahuta for Health Authority

Last Thursday, the Government announced appointments to its new race-based health agency, with Cabinet Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s sister Tipa Mahuta taking a top job as co-chair of the Maori Health Authority. Expert group apponted

The current restructuring of the entire health sector, including the abolition of community control of local health services, delivers the He Puapua goal of a separate Maori health authority - with the power of veto over the entire health system.

Judges put culture ahead of law and child’s wellbeing?

A curious case of senior judges putting culture ahead of law and a child’s wellbeing surfaced in a Family Court hearing over a five-year-old girl who Oranga Tamariki whom was trying to remove from her foster family because they were not Maori.

In a 145-page decision released on September 16, Judge Peter Callinicos dismissed Oranga Tamariki's application while criticising the agency, its chief executive, and numerous members of its staff, for putting ideology ahead of a child's best interests. See Maori girl should remain

Judge Callinicos also delivered a sharp rebuke to the head of Oranga Tamariki, Sir Wira Gardiner, Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu and the Principal Family Court Judge Jackie Moran, who contacted him during the trial to express concern at the way the judge questioned social workers.

Judge Callinicos reminded them that it was inappropriate for them to approach a presiding judge to discuss any aspect of a part-heard case, and asked them to refrain from doing so as it was a breach of appropriate judicial independence and judicial conduct. See Judges rebuked

Still time to object to Three Waters Plan

Your council is still pondering whether to accept or reject the $120-billion Three Waters Plan asset grab that would transfer water infrastructure to four new entities in each of which decisions would be subject to a tribal veto. Let your councillor know what you think. If you need more information, please go to https://www.hobsonspledge.nz/the_three_waters_120b_grab_what_you_re_not_being_told.

Coastal petition

Our petition which asks Parliament to amend the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 to restore public ownership of the coastal area, put all claims through the High Court, and repeal customary marine title, while affirming customary rights, has picked up more than 41,300 signatures. We need your support. The petition may be signed at https://www.change.org/beaches4all

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