Other provisions in the Education and Training Bill that transfer powers to Maori and create de facto Maori quotas, as outlined in section 9(2):
- section 307(1)(c) power of Maori Advisory Committee to elect 1 member of the NZIST Board
- section 312(1) requires the NZIST to establish a Maori Advisory Committee
- section 312(3)(a) NZIST Council must consult with the Maori Advisory Committee
- education Councils acknowledge the principles of the Treaty in the exercise of their functions and powers
- the NZ Institute of Science and Technology collaborate with Maori and iwi partners to improve outcomes for Maori learners and Maori communities
- New Zealand Institute of Science and Technology: Schedule 13 requires that the Institute's governance, management and operations give effect to the Treaty of Waitangi etc; recognise that Maori are key actors in regional social, environmental, and economic development
De facto Maori quotas in employment rules
- section 258(2)(a) NZIST Council must include at least 1 "Maori"
- section 344(3)(b) Workforce Development Council must include representation by Maori employers
- section 128 a school Board's policies and practices must reflect cultural diversity. Presumably this governs Board's roles in the appointment of Principals, which may favour an applicant's ancestry over competence.
- section 380 the Tertiary Education Commission appoint members only after consultation with the Minister of Maori Development
- section 449(4)(b)(v) require the Minister to consider the collective understanding of partnership principles when considering appointments to the Teaching Council
- section 564(2)(d) general principles: schools and training providers to recognise the aims and aspirations of Maori, the employment requirements of Maori and the greater need of Maori in the education service
Under these provisions, all "Maori" are relegated to belonging to a generic minority "identity", stigmatised and patronised as requiring special attention regardless of their individual skills and unique personality.