This week one of our battles came to somewhat of a close (though we'll continue to keep an eye on it) and we've decided to kick another up a gear.
Alongside Hobson's Pledge's legal counsel Brigitte Morten from Franks Ogilvie, Ipresented to the Justice Select Committee about our perspective on the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) (Customary Marine Title) Amendment Bill.
You can watch our submission on our Facebook Page.
We left no doubt that we support the passing of the bill because of the way the courts have distorted Parliament’s original intention with the 2011 Act, but we also made it clear there are vulnerabilities in the new bill and we would prefer a return to the Foreshore and Seabed Act of 2004.
A highlight for me was when Te Pāti Māori MP Tākuta Ferris attempted to cast the law as "Pākehā law" and Brigitte Morten responded that as a lawyer she recognises only laws from the New Zealand Parliament and doesn't distinguish between "Pākehā law" and "non-Pākehā law".
The Justice Select Committee will write a report once they have concluded consultation and then the Government will proceed to the Second Reading. Our job is to ensure there is no funny business as it makes its way through Parliament to be passed.
Stiffening our spine
In the past year or so, you may have noticed a shift in our approach to dealing with those who attack us. We have always been forthright and confident in our principles, but we have recently made a conscious choice to meet more of the attacks on people like you, and New Zealand's democracy, head on.
We have taken more legal action and been more outspoken in our advocacy. We have been unafraid, for example, to place an ad on the front cover of the NZ Herald that we knew, despite being factual, would be received by our opponents as a declaration of war.
We have made these choices, but we could not take a single action without the backing of you and our team of around 140,000 New Zealanders. The determination of our supporters to create change has inspired us and the generous donations to the cause have funded the fights we take up on behalf of you all.
So, what's next?
Well, we're calling in the lawyers again. This time it is to appeal the Advertising Standard Authority's ruling on our front page advertisement about New Zealand's coastline and Customary Marine Titles.
The ASA received more than 600 complaints relating to our ad. Much of that appears to have come from a concerted and organised effort.
You may have seen the gloating from Te Pāti Māori and allies as they used the ASA decision to justify their assertions that we were wrong in our claims. Want to prove them wrong and stop the glee? Get on board with our battle.
We were not wrong. The ASA simply grounded their decisions in opinion rather than objective fact. Although we were glad to see that only a small part of the complaints was upheld, they are significant and it we are loathe to see the judgement used to misinform New Zealanders about the facts.
Legal action and lawyers don't come cheap, especially excellent lawyers who understand this area of the law so well. So I am asking you to join the fight and chip in what you can so that we can launch an appeal.
We have to play the ideological regulators and managerial class at their own games. Not the least because they hate to be beaten on home turf.
The tendency for amateur authoritarians to paint those whom they disagree with as ‘evil’ rather than just holding a differing viewpoint has been cancerous to our ability to debate important and difficult subjects.
Hobson's Pledge and our supporters are a team. We have the platform and voice to take on the battles and our supporters bring strength in numbers, bolster our confidence, and ensure we can afford to pay the bills that come with these fights.
What do you say? Are you up for another fight? We won't give up if you won't.