200 for Don and Casey in Havelock North

Don Brash and Casey Costello delivered the Hobson’s Pledge message to 200 people at the Havelock North Function Centre on Tuesday night.

Casey spoke about the wrong of Maori "blaming" their ancestry for being deprived of opportunities when they have had Treaty settlements, separate Maori broadcasting, separate Maori preschools and schools, and a separate Maori Party.

"Standing on the outside it would seem the consideration and recognition of Maori issues ensured every opportunity for Maori to succeed," the Hawke’s Bay Today reported Casey as saying.

Don said Hobson's Pledge wanted Parliament to abolish Auckland's separatist Maori Statutory Board and the now-redundant Maori electorates, close down the activist Waitangi Tribunal, end all reference to imaginary Treaty "partnership" and "principles" and abandon the proposal to force local governments to enter "iwi participation agreements".

See the Hawke’s Bay Today report at http://m.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11809376

Former MP sees ‘huge divisions’

Does New Zealand have a race relations problem? Many New Zealanders would like to say no. But dig a bit deeper and there's no denying it: we have a problem, former Hawke’s Bay MP Bill Sutton wrote after attending Tuesday’s Hobson Pledge meeting in Havelock North.


Dr Sutton drew attention to the absence of white faces in the audiences at the previous weekend’s Te Matatini national kapa haka event with the absence of brown faces at the Hobson’s Pledge meeting as evidence of “huge divisions in our country today”.


See Dr Sutton’s opinion piece in the Hawke’s Bay Today at http://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503462&objectid=11809716


Meet Don and Casey

Don Brash and Casey Costello will speak in Waikanae at 7pm on Monday, April 3, at the Waikanae Community Centre, 28-32 Utauta Street, Waikanae.


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Authorised by Hobson's Pledge Trust, Suite 311, 184 Symonds Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand.
