by John Robinson, Bruce Moon, David Round, Mike Butler, Hugh Barr, Peter Cresswell
This is probably the most important book published in recent times as it shows how in 27 years the Treaty of Waitangi has been reinterpreted, the "partnership" myth created, tribal corporations set up, public assets transferred to those corporations which are now on the brink of securing a special place in a new, treaty based, written constitution.
The treaty was Britain's reluctant response to pleas by Maori chiefs to rescue the tribes from a culture of cannibalism, slavery and inter-tribal warfare that had wiped out about a third of their race by 1840.
The treaty was a simple and straightforward agreement by which the chiefs agreed to pass the sovereignty of New Zealand to Queen Victoria in return for protection and rights as British subjects as well as being guaranteed possession of whatever lands they were currently holding by long use, conquest or otherwise. By the treaty every Maori, including the slaves, gained a prize unheard of for native people at that time: full and equal citizenship of the world's largest and most benign empire.
In recent years a cadre of self-interested politicians, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, academics, journalists and tribal leaders have been feeding the public a fake history ("wicked colonialists and noble chiefs"), including a false version of the treaty, so as to feed the ever growing grievance industry and line the pockets of corporate iwi, which has amassed $36.9 billion of assets while paying less tax than others or, more often, no tax at all.
Claims to culture, radio waves, petroleum and the like, let alone "partnership" with the Crown and even sovereignty itself, are modern creations not mentioned in the treaty.
This book, written by six concerned and well-qualified New Zealanders, exposes the extent of the Treaty fraud and warns of the National-Maori Party coalition's plan to hijack our constitution so as to turn all non-Maoris into second class citizens in the land that our forebears built by their sweat and toil.
Price: $34.50 plus postage: Urban $5.10; Rural $9.40: three workinjg days includes tracking
Size: A5
Type: Paperback
Pages: 414 + 16 photo pages