Besides introducing how and why the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, this book asks a number of questions, including: What is “kawanatanga”? What does “tino rangatiratanga” actually mean? Has the meaning of the treaty been changed between 1840 and the 21st century and, if so, why is that important? What are “treaty principles”? Did the treaty create a “partnership”? Does the word “partnership” appear in the treaty? What is the Waitangi Tribunal? Should New Zealand adopt a treaty-based constitution? Should this historical agreement be understood in its context, or should it be subjected to perpetual reinterpretation according to the current political orthodoxy? The questions raised in this book touch everyone.
This book is an antidote to the current propaganda surrounding the Treaty.
Buy this book for your children and future generations.
Size: A5
Type: Soft Cover
Pages: 101 pages of text plus 8 pages of photos.
Urban: $25 plus $5.10 postage up to 3 working days
Rural: $25 plus $9.40 postage up to 3 working days