The NZ Herald has cancelled our ads šŸ˜”

Well, that was short-lived!

The New Zealand Herald has caved to the cancel mob of Te Pāti Māori activists and cancelled our full page ad booking in tomorrow's paper.

Then this morning we found out that they have alsoĀ cancelled full page ads that were booked and approved by their legal team last week to run in regional papers!Ā 

We booked this package of ads a couple of weeks ago.

The Herald told us:

Iā€™m touching base as I wanted to let you know about a recent development regarding the upcoming advertisement from Hobsonā€™s Pledge.

After careful consideration and in light of feedback we've received from our subscribers and our team, NZME has decided not to proceed with running the advertisement.

I wonder how many Hobson's Pledge supporters are NZ Herald subscribers?Ā Perhaps those of us who are should share some feedback with the New Zealand Herald also!

If you would like to share your thoughts, or talk about your subscription, send an email to:

[email protected]

It is outrageous that Te Pāti Māori and its posse of academics and activists are able to dictate what ads are published in the Herald. Not because the ad isn't factual or because it's objectively offensive, but because they don't agree with the stance taken on legislation about to be debated in Parliament.Ā 

If we had placed an ad objecting to the Government's plan to amend the Marine and Coastal Area Act to make the threshold for awarding Customary Marine Titles higher would the Herald have printed it?

If we had placed an ad saying that Māori never ceded sovereignty and so the entire coast is rightfully theirs anyway would the Herald have printed it?

Contested facts, political opinion, and differing perspectives.

You can see our ad below and judge for yourself if it is misinformation and offensive or if it is simply an ad providing sources for one particular perspective regarding Customary Marine Titles.

Don't worry, this will not hold us back. We will find other ways to spread the message. Te Pāti Māori do not control everyone.Ā 

We wonder what advertiser they will object to next, now that they know the power they have.

Tell the Herald what you think!
