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We knew the number of claims being lodged through the Marine and Coastal Area Act by iwi far exceeded what John Key and Chris Finlayson forecast when they championed the law in 2011.

But few knew that almost the ENTIRE coast of New Zealand would be claimed by iwi either through the courts or by direct negotation with the Crown.

This has happened largely under the radar and most New Zealanders have no idea. Many think this was all sorted with the Foreshore and Seabed legislation under Helen Clark's Labour Government. That could not be further from the truth.

We have to stop this blatant land (coast) grab. Hobson's Pledge have a plan to demand that the Government restores our coast, foreshore, and seabed to public ownership. By submitting on the Marine and Coastal Area Amendment Bill you have spoken up.

Governments have been mucking around with our foreshore, seabed, coast, and marine areas for far too long. It is time to deal with the matter once and for all and ensure that all Kiwis have equal rights to public land and water now and into the future. 

Thank you for joining the fight to save our shores and protect the rights of all New Zealanders. 

If we don't take action now, many of the reasons we love this country and choose to live here will no longer exist. What's the point in living in a beautiful island nation if you can't enjoy the wonderful natural shores and waters that surround it?

We are all New Zealanders and public ownership must be restored.

The red on the map shows coastline that is currently under High Court application.

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