OPEN LETTER: We support your commitment to restore colour-blind democracy

25,000 signatures


Dear Right Honourable Christopher Luxon, Right Honourable Winston Peters, and Honourable David Seymour,

We, the undersigned, write to congratulate you on the commitments of your three parties to uphold the principles of liberal democracy and equal citizenship. 

We urge you to remain strong in your convictions and to not bow to the pressure of noisy opposition and unfair press.

You have a mandate to restore the democratic principle of equality before the law in this country. The people of New Zealand voted you into Government on the basis of the pledges you made as you campaigned before the election. Pledges that formed a vision where policy and law don't differentiate between us based on our ancestors and the colour of our skin.

We now stand with you as you put those promises into action.

Please remember that there are far more New Zealanders in support of your commitments than those who make themselves heard in opposition.

Yours in solidarity,

The undersigned.


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