My nomination for the next Race Relations Commissioner...

Following the recent resignation of Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon because of a conflict of interest, the position has become vacant and I know the perfect person to take it over.

We need a commissioner who, unlike Mr Foon, knows what racism is and doesn't accept it in any form. Someone who advocates for equality under the law for all New Zealanders and respects democratic processes.

Hobson's Pledge supporters like you are well acquainted with my nominee, and I'm sure you'll agree that she would make a fantastic Race Relations Commissioner.

I am, of course, talking about our very own Casey Costello!

Casey’s passion for a harmonious and multicultural New Zealand where we are all afforded the opportunity to get ahead makes her an excellent candidate.

Incidentally, if appointed, Casey would make history as the first Māori woman to hold this position. 

Casey has vowed to actively combat policies that foster division and promote policies which ensure equal treatment for all New Zealanders. Her focus will be on preventing the implementation of legislation, policies, and regulations that differentiate individuals based on their ethnicity or ancestry.

Just as Casey's perspectives as a New Zealander with Māori heritage who firmly believes in equal rights and representation have been valuable for us at Hobson's Pledge, so too they would serve New Zealand well. 

New Zealand needs bridge builders and unifiers, not more identitarians who like to split us into tiny groups.

The Government has yet to announce whether the position will be filled immediately, or after the upcoming October election. Hobson's Pledge argues that the appointment of a new Race Relations Commissioner should be postponed until after the election so that the new Government, whoever that is, can make the decision.

Candidates for the position can be nominated by interest groups or Members of Parliament, through self-nomination, or by community and professional organisations.

While the appointment process involves independent panels and consultation with parliamentary party leaders, ultimately, the decision falls under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Justice, who at present is Kiri Allan.

When we have a better idea of the process and timing of the appointment, I will advise you of how we will go about nominating Casey

I hope you will get behind my nomination and support Casey in this.
