The stakes have risen! Janet's story has hit the media. Predictably much of the reporting is critical of her stance to refuse to take the Māori cultural training course imposed by the Real Estate Authority.
>>> Haven't heard about the appalling treatment of Janet Dickson? Read about it here <<<
We've heard that these mandatory cultural trainings are happening all over New Zealand and Hobson's Pledge supporters like you have been sharing their experiences with us. Submit your tip here.
With the hostile media now interested in Janet's case, she needs your support more than ever to get her case in front of a judge.
Hobson's Pledge are fundraising for Janet's fight because this case could set an important precedent regarding the right of employers and licensing bodies to impose compulsory political or ideological training on their staff or licensees.
We have not yet hit the target that is needed for Janet's fight. Will you chip in to get us over the line?
This battle is bigger than just Janet. It is about asserting the rights of all Kiwis to make their own minds up about political and cultural matters and be autonomous human beings with their own opinions. Click here to stand with Janet.
It is laughable that the Real Estate Authority in conjunction with Ngāti Awa has decided that their Māori training manual is the one true perspective on Māori values.
Do you think it is right that a person can be sacked or banned for five years because they wouldn't take a training course on 'Māori values'?
Workplaces often have compulsory trainings for things like health and safety, but the Real Estate Authority is forcing a course that has little relevance to the work of realtors.
Join the fight.
For Janet, this is a matter of personal and professional autonomy and diversity of opinion. Faced with the choice of capitulating to the REA or losing her licence for five years, Janet has decided on a third option: judicial review in the High Court.
If you want to see professional bodies and employers reminded that they don't have a right to own our opinions nor the right to impose their particular cultural perspectives on their employees and members, now is the time to get behind Janet and her judicial review.
Now is the time for collective resistance. When we push back together it is much harder to ignore.
On behalf of Janet and the team at Hosbon's Pledge, thank you for your support,