Mahuta's Māori ward law change is headed to the bin

It feels like it has been a long time since we were able to encourage you to make a submission to SUPPORT a Government bill, but the time has come! In fact there are two bills I encourage you to support.

The first bill is a matter of urgency as there are only two days left for you to submit. The Government is pushing it through a rapid process as there are deadlines that need to be met for local body elections.

This bill is the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill introduced by Local Government Minister Simeon Brown.

You'll probably recall Nanaia Mahuta removed the right of ratepayers to petition for a referendum when councils decide to create Māori wards. She did this with an even shorter consultation period than the Government is now doing to reverse it.

Your submission need not be lengthy or complex. A simple paragraph supporting the return of the right to demand a referendum before Māori wards can be implemented by councils will do. You may like to mention that this is enhancing local democracy and ensuring that a matter of constitutional and representative significance is decided by the people. You could also mention that democratic principles like 'one person, one vote' and equal weighting of votes are important to you. 


We have a little bit longer to submit on the second bill. Thirty-seven days to be precise.

This bill is the Oranga Tamariki (Repeal of Section 7AA) Amendment Bill introduced by Minister for Children Karen Chhour.

This bill and its minister have been at the centre of some really nasty attacks from the Opposition. That is because the bill will remove the section that has been used to justify Oranga Tamariki treating children differently because of their race and putting their identityahead of their wellbeing. 

It has resulted in children being uplifted from families in which they were happy and healthy because their foster parents were not Māori and placed with distant relatives elsewhere in the country. 

Incredibly, Labour, Greens, and Te Pāti Māori are opposed to the idea that a child's wellbeing and safety should be prioritised above their race or culture. 

Again, your submission doesn't need to be long. The main point is to support the removal of section 7AA and to reinforce that every child in New Zealand is entitled to know that if they need the intervention of the state their race will not be prioritised above their wellbeing.  


Have no doubt that those who oppose these bills will be submitting in droves. Even a short submission in support will give the Government more confidence that their bill is supported by the public. 

These are important reversals of race-based legislation that the previous Government foisted on us. Let's tell the Coalition Government that this is why we voted for them!  
