Dear Ms Wilford,
Knowing that Auckland University is being represented by Ingenio – a magazine which publishes such flawed and defamatory material as found in Professor Stephen May’s opinion piece on ‘Why Should We Learn Te Reo Maori?’ − makes me embarrassed to be alumni.
The fact that you printed his blatantly ageist and racist rant is bad enough, but to print the vicious lies he writes about Hobson’s Pledge is appalling. May obviously knows nothing about the organisation, the people involved or their motivations.
You have allowed an impression that Auckland University is no longer a centre for logical thought and exploratory thinking. Instead, Ingenio gives the impression that it is fostering rashness, hate and stupidity.
I sincerely hope that is not the case.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Mackenzie, MBA, BA, Dip/Cert Ed.