How to object to the claims for your coastal area

Many readers live near, walk on, or take the dog for a run on a beach, go surfing, surfcasting, or fishing from a boat, or swim in the sea. This is evidence that you have enjoyed uninterrupted access to the marine and coastal area.


This is also evidence that the people applying for customary rights or customary marine title of your area have not had uninterrupted use and occupation of your coastal area since 1840.

Such is the test that coastal area claims must pass to be recognised.

Please file an objection to the claim for your area. You can simply state what time periods you have had unhindered use of that area, and for what purpose.

Objections may be filed at the High Court at Wellington by Tuesday May 30, 2017, and include the High Court reference number of the claim that would look like CIV-2017-485-XXX.

A copy of the application in your area, which should include the CIV number that you need, may be obtained from the High Court at Wellington, phone (04) 914 3600 or email [email protected].

The list of applications may be found at

Perhaps ask two like-minded friends to lodge objections as well.

Dollar for dollar fundraising campaign

Hobson’s Pledge plans to step up the campaign for all New Zealanders to have the same political rights, irrespective of when we or our ancestors arrived here. 

One supporter who has already contributed generously has offered to donate a further dollar for every new dollar which comes in up to a limit of $10,000. 

That would support a large billboard in a prominent position in Auckland or Wellington for four months, bringing our message to tens of thousands of people every day.

Please donate to end separatism in New Zealand: the next few months are crucial.

Note: Hobson’s Pledge is run by volunteers who donate time and money. All donations go towards getting the message out.

Donate. Visit
