We knew things were bad. We knew the number of claims being lodged through the Marine and Coastal Area Act by iwi far exceeded what John Key and Chris Finlayson forecast when they championed the law in 2011.
But few knew that almost the ENTIRE coast of New Zealand would be claimed by iwi either through the courts or by direct negotiation with the Crown.
This is bad. It has happened largely under the radar and most New Zealanders have no idea. Many think this was all sorted with the Foreshore and Seabed legislation under Helen Clark's Labour Government. That could not be further from the truth.
We have to stop this blatant land (coast) grab. We have a plan to demand that the Government restores our coast, foreshore, and seabed to public ownership. We are calling on supporters like you who are willing to take a stand with us to save our shores. Will you join us?
The red on the map shows coastline that is currently under High Court Application.
Our clogged up courts may just be our saving grace as without the backlog it would be too late for us to halt the seizing of our beautiful beaches and marine areas. It has bought us some time to organise, but time means little if we don't have the means to fight this battle. Will you chip in to ensure we can have as much impact as possible?
Our first job is to make New Zealanders aware of what is happening. This is no small task given we can't rely on the media to report honestly on the matter. So-called journalists are too often cheerleaders for signing over public land and marine areas to iwi.
We have to speak directly to Kiwis. This requires a massive social media campaign, newspaper ads, and (if enough supporters chip in) even billboards.The scale of our campaign depends on supporters like you. Are you with us?
There is a lot of completely false information we have to cut through - much of it deliberately disseminated by those supporting the land grab. For example, we are told ad nauseum that Customary Marine Titles (CMT) awarded to iwi won't block public access to beaches or prevent fishing.
This is a lie.
Once an iwi has a CMT they need only declare a rahui (order to stay away) or wahi tapu (place of special/sacred importance) in order to prevent access to a beach or marine area. In some instances iwi leaders have placed boulders in front of access points and although they are technically not allowed to do this local authorities aren't interested in taking any action. Contribute to our fund to save our rapidly disappearing coast.
In addition, CMTs allow iwi veto over all resource consents and conservation activities; involvement in coastal planning and policy development; the ability to charge commercial operators, and ownership rights to all non-nationalised minerals – including royalties from existing mining operations, back-dated to when applications were first submitted.
All of this could soon apply to almost the entire coast of New Zealand.
To put it more directly:
- Every commercial operation on New Zealand's coast will have to pay iwi (sometimes multiple iwi) to be able do their business. From fishing to tourism and everything in between.
- Everyone along the coast seeking resource consent on private land could be at the mercy of iwi who wield veto powers if they can prove it relates to their CMT.
- On-water events, including fishing and boating competitions, held anywhere along New Zealand's coast could be slapped with a rahui and be forced to cancel. This has already happened up North.
- This has the potential to make iwi very wealthy, especially if they hit the jackpot and can draw royalties from non-nationalised minerals.
This is not right. We are all New Zealanders and public ownership must be restored.
Governments have been mucking around with our foreshore, seabed, coast, and marine areas for far too long. It is time to deal with the matter once and for alland ensure that all Kiwis have equal rights to public land and water now and into the future.
Will you join the fight to save our shores and protect the rights of all New Zealanders?
If we don't take action now, many of the reasons we love this country and choose to live here will no longer exist. What's the point in living in a beautiful island nation if you can't enjoy the wonderful natural shores and waters that surround it? Take action now.
Kiwis deserve to know the consequences of what is going on and the extent of it. I like to think that most Kiwis would support public ownership and be horrified to know that our coast is being parceled off to iwi groups. If you agree, do your bit to ensure we get the word out far and wide.
New Zealand must wake up before it is too late. It is as simple as that.