The Justice Select Committee haven't given Hobson's Pledge a slot to speak at the oral submissions for the Treaty Principles Bill.
Yes, you read that right – the largest, most vocal, and organised organisation advocating for ‘one law for all’ – and with more than 140,000 supporters – has not been given a speaking slot, while the likes of John Tamihere and Lady Moxon have been.
We are very grateful therefore to the team at Democracy Action who gave us their speaking slot today. We had anticipated that if not given a formal slot on Monday, then it was a given that we would be given a slot on Thursday. We therefore agreed to swap with Democracy Action. Just this morning though, the Democracy Action team got an email from the Committee Clerks saying no slot has been given to Hobson’s Pledge and so no swap is currently possible.
We view this is as totally outrageous. As I noted above, Hobson’s Pledge is a leading voice in this debate and supported by thousands upon thousands of kiwis. It is incomprehensible how our leading organisation could be ignored by this committee and it does beg serious questions about this whole process.
Again, our thanks to Democracy Action for giving us their slot and we will be advocating that they be given a time to also speak. The committee seems very happy to allow voices in opposition, but it appears less helpful when it comes to those in support of this Bill.
Tune in via the Parliament website or RNZ's livestream from around 2.20pm to hear our presentation and get in touch – be it via email or on our social media – to let us know what you thought. Only ten minutes have been allocated, so it will have to be direct and to the point.