Evidence that He Puapua is under way
Despite national publicity about what was a covert plan, named He Puapua, to set up two governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and one for everyone else, most are unaware of how far this plan is progressed. Three WatersThe evidence comes from the He Puapua plan itself which may be downloaded by going to Reject co-governance and clicking on Click here to see the uncensored plan (in red).
Read moreThe Three Waters $120B grab - what you’re not being told
The three waters are drinking water, wastewater and stormwater. The Three Waters Plan (that you may have seen advertisements for) is a tricky co-governance plan for central government to get control of our assets which are managed by our local councils. After more than 60 iwi-only meetings, Government and tribal leaders have divided New Zealand into four massive, unwieldy zones. Each zone will take ownership and control of our water and water-related infrastructure.
Read moreAt last, everyone owns the water
At last, a political leader has asserted that everyone in New Zealand owns the water, and that was National Party Leader Judith Collins.
Read moreMaori Council tries to revive water claim
The New Zealand Maori Council is talking up a possible bid to return to the High Court to get a sympathetic judge to declare that “Maori” indeed own all the water in New Zealand.
Read moreIs New Zealand’s water up for grabs?
New Zealand is a nation built on equality, and our equality is based on citizenship, not ethnicity, a full-page advert in today’s Sunday Star Times says.
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