Ross Meurant: Dust settles on Seymour
And it poured down on David.
At first, it was asphyxiating: NZ Herald: David Seymour under fire over Maori vaccination comments
Then, it was misguided: NZ Herald: Debbie Ngrewa Packer: David Seymour's Maori vaccination code attack misguided
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Ross Meurant: Maori Myth is Not Science
As a former detective I learned well that a week’s delay in recording evidence, let alone a year or 1200 years, makes a big difference. Oral transfer of past events gets distorted, exaggerated and invariably is a bare resemblance to what actually happened.
Read moreRoss Meurant: APARTHEID IN NEW ZEALAND. If I must go to jail for saying this; then so it be.
In 1981 I was one who literally fought to protect the rights of Kiwis who wanted to exercise their lawful right to attend rugby games and not have their travel disrupted by protestors who disregarded the rights of fellow Kiwis in their quest to fight Apartheid in another country.
Today, I find myself in a role not dissimilar to that of John Minto 1981. Difference is; I stand against Apartheid in New Zealand.
Read moreRoss Meurant: A Step too far: Bi-Cultural Partnership
Bi-Culturalism, predicated as it is and as promulgated by its exponents on the concept of “Partnership”, means Maori should rule New Zealand as an equal partner with, The Rest – of us Kiwis. By its very description bi-cultural partnership looms in New Zealand today as: DIVISIVE.
Read moreRoss Meurant: Re-writing history to suit contemporary agendas will produce “blowback” from ordinary Kiwis
NZ Herald reads: “New anti-racism campaign featuring Taika Waititi launched by Human Rights Commission.[i]” Perhaps this initiative reflects the height of a tsunami of countering racial prejudice, which has swamped New Zealand since the wave of protests in the US and globally, over the killing in police custody of George Floyd.
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