Thank you for supporting massive protest
Thank you for supporting massive protest
Thank you to those who taped a sign to your vehicle and drove the Groundswell route through the town nearest you on Sunday.
Read moreThank you for your support on Three Waters
National MP Nicola Willis showed the unprecedented Three Waters headline to Parliament. Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta accused councils of spreading misinformation.
Read moreCustomary rights trump law in coastal judgement
One of a number of billboards around our cities drawing attention to the actual name of our country, not the mythical name that is being quietly imposed. Our petition calling on the Prime Minister to delete any reference in official communication to any name for our nation other than New Zealand may be signed at
Read moreHe Puapua lead planner says Govt ‘lacks legitimacy’
It’s questionable that the New Zealand Government has any legitimacy, the state must give up some power, and New Zealand has a lopsided view of democracy, which should not be tyranny of the majority.
Read moreSeymour fingers state racism
ACT Party leader David Seymour.
ACT Party leader put the spotlight on state racism when he tweeted an image of a code reserved for Maori and said: "If you're worried about vaccination waiting times, you no longer need to make an appointment. All you need to do is use this access code."
The outrage was predictable. However, none of the outraged have provided any evidence of any person disadvantaged in the vaccine rollout by the fact that they have a Maori ancestor.
"The virus doesn't discriminate on race, so neither should the rollout," Seymour said. Hobson’s Pledge agrees.
Read moreThree waters plan ‘He Puapua in action’
Imposed without warning or any electoral mandate, the total upheaval of water services in New Zealand - designed to deliver control to Maori - is He Puapua in action, commentator Muriel Newman said at the weekend.
Read moreMinistry spends $700,000 to foster white guilt
Almost $700,000 has been spent on making half of the Ministry of Education bureaucracy feel guilty about the colour of their skin, according to emails released under the Official Information Act.
Read moreSecrecy around two govts plan riles Winston
The fact that a 2019 a report that outlined a plan for two governments under a tribal committee came to the Government but was never shown to any New Zealand First Cabinet Minister has angered party leader Winston Peters.
Read moreElectoral race-baiting clicks up a gear
Electoral race-baiting clicked up a gear yesterday when Maori Party co-leader John Tamihere smeared “Pakeha” as "asymptomatic racists".
Read moreMaori Party wants to save us from statues
The cartoon above, courtesy of Garrick Tremain, shows the absurdity of the Maori Party’s attempt to win support, that is by having councils investigate and remove colonial statues.
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