Hobson’s Pledge to continue lobbying
After reviewing our campaign over the past year in light of the general election result, Hobson’s Pledge members chose to continue as a lobby group.
Read moreNats all ‘say’ and no ‘do’ on equal rights
A flyer challenging Prime Minister Bill English’s record on a single standard of citizenship went out to 1.6 million households today. The flyer that calls on everyone to use their vote in this year’s election “to end National’s race-based policies” was distributed by equal rights group Hobson’s Pledge.
Read moreWhy Key ignored ACT over resource iwi clauses
It was former Prime Minister John Key who pushed National to stick with the Maori Party over the controversial iwi participation clauses in the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill, according to commentator Richard Harman.
Read moreSlip clearing delay highlights ‘cultural concerns’
A delay in slip clearing at Kaikoura over the cultural concerns of a local runanga draws attention to looseness in historic places legislation that enables delays and costs for little reason.
A local runanga halted slip-clearing on earthquake-damaged State Highway 1 and the rail link north of Kaikoura, on Thursday, over concern about exposing or damaging cultural sites.
Everything grinds to a halt once there is any claim of cultural significance or sacredness.
Read moreKey leaves lingering racist legacy
Few other politicians have done more to create conditions ripe for the destruction of racial equality
Gone-by-Monday Prime Minister John Key shrewdly picked a retirement date amenable for collecting one of those New Year’s honour knighthoods he personally reinstated.
His timing is opportune for him, not least because of the gathering catastrophe for New Zealand democracy he has engineered but can now slough parliamentary accountability for.
Read moreKey wrong on separatism, Treaty, courts
By David Round
Prime Minister John Key is indeed correct that most New Zealanders do want to live in a harmonious New Zealand but he was wrong about just about everything else he said in response to the launch of Hobson’s Pledge.