Iwi checkpoints are back after quiet law change
Former MP and founder of Te Tai Tokerau Border Control Hone Harawira flying the Maori sovereignty flag at a checkpoint.
Read more4900 oppose vigilante iwi checkpoints
A total of 4900 people have signed our petition against iwi vigilantes illegally setting up highway checkpoints. The petition was launched before ANZAC weekend
Read moreBrash: No justification for tribes ‘closing’ roads
There is not the slightest justification for tribes asserting that they have closed roads to protect their people against the Covid-19 scare, Hobson’s Pledge spokesman Don Brash said today.
Read moreHone, violence is not OK, remember?
The message that violence is not OK apparently hasn’t got through to former MP Hone Harawira, who called for vigilante justice after seeing images of people participating in a Taranaki A&P parade in blackface
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