Once we were one
by Andy Oakley
In this book Andy Oakley, the author of "Cannons Creek to Waitangi", exposes the fraud of the New Zealand government in the 21st century continuing to transfer wealth, rights and public resources from the general public into the hands of a small tribal elite composed of people who have more European blood in them than Maori. Some of them are more than 96% European and yet they continue to receive race based privileges and special funding not available to others. Having grown up in the low income suburb of Cannons Creek, near Wellington, the author has strong views about this continuing enrichment of a small elite on a purely racial basis while those in real need - both Maori and European - are missing out.
Read moreThe many, many answers for Lizzie Marvelly
By Andy Oakley
Recently on her Villainesse blog, Lizzie Marvelly suggested she could write a thesis on the many. many problems with Hobson’s Pledge.
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